Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Kavanaugh’s lies disqualify him

President Donald Trump is on the stump confidently praising Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh because he is limiting and obstructing the FBI investigation, thereby knowingly stopping the truth from coming out regarding this partisan, unethical and lying-under-oath candidate. (He says he drank alcohol legally, but he was drinking at age 17, and he claimed 18 was the legal drinking age at the time, when in fact it was 21 in Maryland; these are disqualifying lies).

Kavanaugh's unprofessional, rude and bullying conduct toward the Senate as a whole, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., specifically, likewise was disqualifying. This is a job interview. Who would hire him? Trump of course.

Trump hires the only the worst people: liars, bullies, the greedy and those who lack of empathy and integrity.

I fear for my country.