Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Voting 101: Be heard at the ballot box

Note to readers: The Las Vegas Sun and Greenspun Media Group are making a major effort this fall to encourage voters to participate in the November midterm election.

This is a critical election for the U.S. and Southern Nevada, with major implications for such crucial topics as the environment, the economy, immigration, gun safety and many more.

To help empower voters to cast their ballots, we will be presenting special content daily in the Sun and sister publication Las Vegas Weekly over the next several weeks to guide you on how to register and vote.

No matter where you stand on issues and candidates, voting is a vital function in our society, and our goal is to encourage everyone eligible to vote to make their views known at the ballot box.

Today, the Sun presents answers to questions about the registration process, rules and regulations:

Am I eligible to vote?

You are if you are a U.S. citizen (either born in the U.S. or naturalized), you are 18, you’ve resided in Clark County for at least 30 days and have resided in your precinct at least 10 days before the election. If you are 17, you can preregister to vote and will be eligible to vote once you turn 18.

Do I need to register or re-register?

If you’ve moved since you were last registered, the answer is yes. Also, you can preregister if you’re 17 years old. Then, once you turn 18 you will be eligible to vote and will be mailed a voter registration card.

I’m not sure if I’m registered. How can I find out?

You can check online by visiting You’ll be asked to log in by listing your first and last name, the last four digits of your Social Security number or Nevada driver’s license number, and your date of birth. Once you’ve logged in, you can check to see whether you are registered at your current address.

You can also check by calling the Clark County Election Department at 702-455-VOTE (8683)

I am an undocumented immigrant. Can I legally register and vote?

Undocumented immigrants do not have a legal right to vote. Neither do non-naturalized immigrants who are living in Nevada on Temporary Protected Status, work visas, etc. Only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote.

How can I go about registering?

One option is to do it online by visiting

Voters also can call the Clark County Election Department and ask to be mailed a copy of the registration form. Forms also are available at U.S. post offices and other government offices.

When I register, what documentation will I need?

You’ll need a Nevada driver’s license or a state-issued identification card. However, if you would prefer not to share that information, other options include a bank statement or government-issued check with the same address as the one on your registration record. Military and overseas voters should fill out a Federal Post Card Application to register and/or request a mail or absentee ballot. The application is available at

What’s the deadline for registering?

Oct. 9 is the deadline to register or update existing registration without having to appear in person at an election department office or without having to register on the Nevada secretary of state’s website, But those who miss the Oct. 9 deadline can still register through Oct. 16 by visiting an election department office or via the secretary of state’s website. Oct. 17 and Oct. 18 are the final days of registration, which at that point can be done only by visiting the secretary of state’s website.

Where are the election department offices?

The addresses are:

• 965 Trade Drive, Suite A, North Las Vegas

Standard hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

• Clark County Government Center, First Floor, Suite 1113, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway

Standard hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Am I required to choose a party affiliation?

No. If you choose to do so, however, or would like to change your affiliation, you can do so at the same site where voters can check their registration records. Although you are not required to choose a party, voting officials ask that you do not leave the field blank. Rather, if you do not wish to be affiliated with a party, officials ask you to mark “non-partisan.”

I was convicted of a crime. Can I still vote?

In most cases, people who have been convicted of crimes in Nevada and have served their sentences can vote. However, the laws that apply to voting rights for convicted felons are complex, and vary from state to state. In Florida, for instance, no convicted felon can vote.

To find out if you can vote, call 702-455-VOTE.

When registering to vote, people who have been convicted will be asked to provide documentation that they have served their sentences. That can be an official document of release from prison or a court order restoring the right to vote. Those who can’t provide either of those documents can fill out an affidavit attesting that they served their sentences. The election department staff will verify the information.

Will my personal information be shared?

Driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers and email addresses will not be shared. Voters who do not want other information to be shared, such as their street addresses and phone numbers, can submit a request in writing for their information to be withheld. Those requests can be emailed to [email protected]

Where can I go if I have other questions?

Contact the Clark County Election Department at 702-455-VOTE or visit the department’s registration website at

Have there been any major changes in the process since the last time I voted?

Not in registration, but Clark County has replaced its 272 polling centers with 172 vote centers. Those centers carry all ballots, meaning people can show up to any of them rather than being forced to visit a specific, assigned polling place.

Source: Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria