September 21, 2024


Today is our tomorrow

I read with great interest and agreement the Sept. 24 editorial “As Trump pushes supporters to polls, opponents must rally in kind,” which reminded me about what someone said about democracy not being a spectator sport but rather a participatory sport. It also reminded me of the words of Martin Luther King Jr. that “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

While no one can argue that the economy for the very rich is in good condition under President Donald Trump, let’s not forget that it was President Barack Obama who saved and put our economy on the right path. While the economy for the rich has benefited from Trump’s wholesale stripping of regulations, the rights of workers and climate conditions have correspondingly suffered.

Caroline Kennedy recognized that as much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. Obama also recognized that better politics appeals to each other’s decency instead of our basest fears. Decency is not served by collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice, violation of campaign laws by payoffs to porn stars or inciting racism.

This midterm election should be a referendum on decency and the appeal to our best instincts. There are less than 30 days to early voting. Tomorrow is today, the fierce urgency of now.