September 6, 2024


Government has lost stability

We have a serious problem with our government, and we know it.

In the Senate, we have a bunch of stubborn old men and a few women. The House of Representatives consists of a mixture of old and young that is creating some chaos.

With regards to many serious problems such as health care, Social Security, climate change, DACA, immigration, Russian meddling and budget control, Republicans either oppose solutions or kick the can down the road in hopes of preserving their livelihood rather than governing.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi should take the advice of her younger colleagues and start the process of impeaching President Donald Trump. She gets some credit for helping the Democrats take the majority of the House last year, but the main reason for that is Trump and his czar tactics.

Older Democrats are fearful that because President Bill Clinton's popularity grew after the Republicans impeached him that the same will happen with Trump. No way. That was a completely different situation. It was about sex while this is about preserving our democracy.

The longer it is put off, the more power it gives to a czar.