Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024


Trump mentally unfit for office

There is something terribly wrong in the White House.

The president should be put through a no-holds-barred mental evaluation, as no sane individual working in our government would display publicly the racist demeanor he shows.

No sane American would show as much love to a Russian and North Korean dictators as he does.

No sane elderly person would constantly stay up during the night to slander everyone he disagrees with.

No sane person would constantly lie about anything and everything, as he does.

To forgive and forget is the credo if an individual makes a mishap every now and then, but when it happens daily with no apology, sanity is only one determining factor.

I don’t think bone spurs is what kept him out of the military. I think the doctors determined he was a Section 8 case — i.e., judged mentally unfit for service — and wanted no part of him.