Las Vegas Sun

May 21, 2024


Billionaire birds of a feather

President Donald Trump is a billionaire. While none of the 535 members of Congress have half a billion in net worth, Trump appointed a couple billionaires to his Cabinet. His near-billionaire son-in-law Jared Kushner is a White House adviser.

Among Trump’s biggest financial contributors are billionaires Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers. Before and after the 2016 election, Trump maintained regular contact with billionaire Rupert Murdoch of Fox News.

Trump’s buddy for 15 years was near-billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who is again accused of sex trafficking. Two other billionaire pals are the North Korean dictator and the Saudi Arabian prince accused of assassinating a Washington Post journalist.

Another billionaire buddy is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin has brutally suppressed peaceful protests, ordered multiple assassinations, been accused of downing a passenger airliner, and invaded both Crimea and the Ukraine.

Most parents know they can judge their children by the friends they have. Most U.S. presidents would be appalled to know the government is being managed of, by, and for billionaires.