September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

We owe our kids better schools

What should a parent do when her son’s third-grade teacher quits less than seven days into the school year? What should any of us do?

The Clark County School District is short 750 teachers. Thousands and thousands of children have long-term substitutes.

To receive a substitute license, one must have at least 60 semester credits or at least an associate degree from a regionally accredited college/university.

That means no training in education or in any subject related to what you are substituting for. Some are amazing, but many are not qualified for what students need.

Why is there a teacher shortage and why do new teachers quit so soon? Nevada has the largest class sizes in the nation and some of the worst per-pupil funding.

We have never recovered from lost property tax revenue during the housing crisis and subsequent property tax cap. Placing 30-40 children in rooms with adults who have 60 college credits in any subject is state-sponsored negligence.

Nevada has not invested in the education of its children in a while. 

Unfortunately, increasing the wealth gap is more important to some people than giving a child a chance at the American dream.

Nevada’s children are depending on you to take a stand. Contact the school board, governor, and your state senator and Assembly member, and demand action be taken to address education funding.