Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024


Stand up for American values

Is trespassing on American soil enough of a crime to herd people, like animals, into overcrowded cells without beds, food, clean water and proper plumbing facilities? Is treating human beings in this way what President Donald Trump sees as being great?

This man sucked as many as 15 years of cheap labor from 50 or more undocumented men and women who worked at his resorts and golf clubs. They were hard-working, tax-paying maids and landscapers who made his beds and mowed his grass.

Close to two dozen women have accused Trump of sexual assault. He’s trashed his marriage vows and bragged about grabbing women in the crotch. Although attending church and observing of the commandments are not prerequisites for being president, a strong case could be made against him for lying, stealing, adultery and coveting his neighbor’s wife and goods, yet evangelicals turn a blind eye hoping it will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

If you are sick of Trump’s antics and tired of seeing our country’s values shredded, our environment threatened, and our standing in the world diminished, then it is paramount you vote in the 2020 election. Get involved. If you want a better America, one that espouses truth, fairness and decency, the power is in your hands.