September 22, 2024


Secession is not a viable solution

In the July 25 letter “Nation doesn’t need California,” the author suggests that because Democrats complain about Republicans having no compassion for illegal immigrants and Republicans complain that Democrats don’t want to enforce laws, the simple answer is to let California secede so Republicans would not have to worry about 55 Electoral College votes going to a Democratic presidential candidate.

I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching generational values, but isn’t that solution antithetical to a “United” States of America? More importantly, it is based purely on partisan interests, which I contend are destroying our democracy.

If partisan interests drove this democracy, there would have been no Civil War; southern states would have been allowed to secede and no effort would have been made to ensure that all people are equal under the law.

Partisan interests were also on display during Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress, when every Republican other than Will Hurd of Texas failed to ask any substantive questions about the Mueller report, instead only feeding the false narrative of a “witch hunt.”

It’s time for all of us to set aside our partisanship and fight to preserve our democracy.Anything less would be a betrayal of the principles that made this nation great.