Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024


Separate religion from health care

Congress does not have the right to establish a national religion. This implies the right to freedom from religion.

President Donald Trump's conscience rule for health care providers, based on religious or moral objections, is an abomination and should not be allowed to stand.

If a medical provider does not believe in a certain procedure on the basis on his or her religious beliefs, the solution is simple: Get another job. No one forced him or her into the profession. Conversely, he or she has no right to inflict religious beliefs on patients by refusing to treat them.

Medical facilities providing care to the public must fire anyone who refuses to provide care for any reason. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution does not guarantee you a job if you object to performing it.

Trump is not a religious person, but he is a mean and vindictive bully. He is a dictator who is using religion as his own KGB and Gestapo.