September 23, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Light rail is the people’s choice

Thank you for publishing the April 29 guest column by Robert Lang and William Brown Jr., “The people in Las Vegas wanted light rail, but the leaders voted for a bus.”

I was dismayed by the Regional Transportation Commission’s recent unanimous vote against a light rail option on Maryland Parkway. I participated in one of the public input meetings a few months ago, where a room full of concerned residents commented on the congestion and hazards on public roads. There are too many cars and not enough good alternative transit options for commuters. A drive anywhere around the valley at rush hour demonstrates this point. Even the soon-to-be-completed Project Neon will not solve our transportation problems.

Light rail is the best long-term option to reduce our dependence on cars for transportation. Other metro areas in the Mountain West region are investing in light rail and seeing the benefits of it. More than three-fourths of the residents surveyed in the valley favored light rail as the best rapid transit option.

It is time to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. The people have the power to vote out politicians who disregard the public’s choices. I recommend starting with the members of the RTC. I also second guest columnists’ recommendation to contact Gov. Steve Sisolak and lawmakers to encourage them to secure the funding needed for light rail projects. Las Vegas is a thriving modern city, one that deserves a modern transportation infrastructure.