September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Obama should take gloves off

President Donald Trump has broken political protocol time after time. He has consistently done so during his campaign and presidency. One such protocol is that the current president does not publicly criticize the president he has succeeded.

Trump has used many opportunities to “bombast” former President Barack Obama. Nearly every policy Obama put into practice has been attacked or reversed. The most recent is accusing Obama of being aware of so-called spying activities on Trump. There is a big distinction between conducting an investigation using court-approved authorized surveillance and a FISA warrant and spying. Obama was no longer president when this part of the investigation took place and it would have been legal if he was still president.

I also know it is not proper protocol for a past president to be critical of a current one, and Obama has followed that protocol until now.

It is time for Obama to say “enough is enough” and to turn from a “punching bag” to a counterpuncher. Trump brags about his counterpunching ability. Isn’t it time Obama shows he is capable of landing a few upper cuts and jabs himself?