September 22, 2024

Letter to the editor:

State’s outdoors merit protection

Because of my dad’s career in the Air Force, my family constantly moved from one city to another. When my dad was considering our final destination, Las Vegas was one of the top options. He saw Las Vegas for what it was, a bustling cultural city within a beautiful valley. He witnessed Nevada’s impressive landscape and public recreational opportunities. He saw the beauty of Nevada’s environment. I have come to understand that conserving our environment requires us to allocate funds to protect and preserve natural resources for the state.

Two Assembly bills — AB84 and AB486 — are working through the Legislature right now; not only do they support the environment but also thousands of families’ decisions to settle in Nevada.

By renewing AB84 Conservation Bond Program, it would allow for us to bring more benefits into Nevada. These benefits would protect Nevada’s natural environment and encourage more families to call Nevada home. AB486 would establish an Office of Outdoor Recreation to ensure we are promoting and protecting our public lands so Nevada can be a leader in outdoor recreation.