September 21, 2024


Who looks out for landlords?

In the April 25 story “Las Vegas’ affordable housing shortage at crisis level, advocates say,” LaLo Montoya, of Make the Road Nevada, is quoted saying: “It’s really inhumane, the level of liberties that our landlords have to kick out a family when they miss paying the rent.”

I have been a caring landlord in three states since 1980. Usually, when I gave a tenant more time to pay rent, they just lived in my house for free and could never come up with the rent. They had gotten bottle service at a club for their birthday, bought a fancy truck or had a great Christmas with the rent money.

Is Montoya working with lenders to not charge landlords late fees if our tenants don’t pay on time? If a law passes making it impossible to evict tenants who don’t pay rent on time, I am selling all of my rent houses. This is not the solution to a very real problem in Nevada.