September 20, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Democrats need a sure thing

I keep seeing the numbers that four of the Democratic front-runners would beat President Donald Trump if elections were held today.

After 2016, I don’t know what to believe, but I do know this: There is one person who can beat Trump in 2020 — Michelle Obama, if she can be persuaded to run. She is beloved by young and old alike. She would restore stability, class, integrity and respectability to the Oval Office. Being in the White House for eight years, she knows the ins and outs. Watching her husband handle the office, she knows how the political machine works.

She would have the respect of foreign allies because they know her well and would be ready for a president they can trust, especially after the recent G-7 meeting.

Maybe Joe Biden would feel betrayed. Or he might be relieved. The pressure could be weighing on him.

Obama would crush Trump in debates and win over those who are on the fence.