Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter to the editor:

What’s to like about Trump?

President Donald Trump is a liar, having told more than 16,000 lies and counting. Is that something a president should do? It that an example to teach children to admire in Trump?

He has no respect for our planet. Is that what people want for their kids and the planet? Trump abandoned the Paris Accord, reduced the size and protection of our national parks and reopened the Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling.

Trump treats people, especially people of color, horribly. He rudely cuts off female journalists of color when they ask questions he doesn’t like. And refused to rent apartments to black people.

But the most disgusting, ugly and sadistic crime of Trump’s is his appetite for rape.

And yet, to quote the writer of the March 30 letter “Trump is best economic choice:” “when it comes to leadership and pointing America in the right direction, he’s the only choice.”

To quote the writer of the March 29 letter “Hope for normal life is admirable:” “(Trump) seeks a positive path to follow.”

Really? Both writers would vote for Trump while watching him rape their wives or daughters? They would sacrifice them for a more robust economy?