Las Vegas Sun

May 20, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Listen to the medical experts

In 2018, President Donald Trump cut by 80% the Centers for Diease Control and Prevention’s pandemic unit budget.

Trump is now blaming former President Barack Obama for a shortage of test kits. Trump has been president for three years; it’s time to stop blaming Obama for his own incompetence.

Trump does not listen to the medical experts. Dr. Anthony Fauci, an infectious disease specialist, has had to repeatedly correct Trump in public meetings. Fauci said we will not have a coronavirus vaccine available to the public for at least a year. Trump then said we would have some kind of vaccine in a few months.

Trump keeps rejecting the information that infectious disease specialists are trying to get the people to understand so they can take proper precautions without mass panic.

Trump’s fear is that the stock market and the economy will tank and then he will lose the election. He thinks everything revolves around him. The experts say that people who are sick should stay home; Trump says he thinks it’s OK to go to work.

Our government has to be on the same page as the medical experts, we have to get the info right and be able to educate the public without causing mass hysteria. Dr. Trump is clearly not the person to handle this task. What med school did he attend?