Las Vegas Sun

April 27, 2024


Leisurely walks back in style

When my wife and I were in Saudi Arabia recently, we found that having a place to exercise outdoors was a challenge. The one place we could go was the diplomatic quarter, where all the embassies were. There, we could walk for miles and talk or not talk.

When we went to Paris, we walked everywhere. It was such a great way to see a city. We miss the walking most of all.

Walking is back. We walk our dog every day and it is amazing to see the increase in walkers. Dogs are getting all the exercise they need. My dog is getting used to two-a-days.

Families are walking, biking and being together like rarely before in America. Wouldn’t it be great if the Strip was all walking, biking and jogging? I hope we don’t lose this renewed attention to nature and the great outdoors. It is nice to see so many others to share it with. It feels like it pulls us together.