Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024


Team Trump is ruinous to nation

Finally! You have explicitly detailed in the excellent, true and fact-based May 17 editorial “An accommodating GOP, Trump are transforming America into a dictatorship” what is happening to our country.

It is frightening yet true, and it is traumatizing to a huge portion of our population, while others are in denial or truly don’t understand that the destruction will personally affect them.

It becomes even more disturbing when one sees efforts to control or prevent that agenda fail. Whether it is the Mueller investigation, the impeachment, the attacks on the media, or the exposure of the mishandling of the pandemic, it appears futile to stop these criminal and ruthless actions against America. It is unbelievable to most of us to see mankind being so cruelly indifferent.

Only the election seems capable of stopping this. America, please awaken to the lies, the deception and the ultimate goals of this president, who cares nothing about you and will, with your complacency, destroy the country we have built.