Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024


Trump foments bigotry and hate

I find it hard to believe that any Hispanic would vote for a racist like President Donald Trump. I am a 71-year-old Hispanic man and I have had my share of prejudice against the color of my skin over the years. Recently, I was coming out of the bank when a car with Trump stickers all over it stopped right in front of me. The young white driver then yelled at me, “you don’t belong in this country, go back to where you came from!” He then sped off.

What I found most offensive was the fact that he didn’t know me; he knew nothing about me other than that the color of my skin offended him. If we could have had a conversation, he might have found out that I am a retired Naval officer and highly decorated Vietnam and Gulf War vet who spent 23 years defending his right to speak. I was surprised how bold people have become in the Trump era.

Since I was born here and have never been more proud to be an American, it was an insult. So how could any minority vote for such a man who encourages such behavior? Wake up, America, and vote this president out.