Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024


Contests are a stain on hunting

Bravo to the Sun for printing Ted Williams’ excellent column about wildlife-killing contests (“Killing wildlife to see who wins,” May 29). Williams puts his finger on the pulse of the organizers and the participants of these brutal contests, which feature prizes for killing predators.

Forty-four states, including Nevada, continue to allow such deadly games. The fact that many have children’s divisions should put a shudder into any mother’s heart — her child participating in randomly shooting and the wholesale killing of as many coyotes as the father can bring into range with electronic predator calls?

We know now that these contests are not wildlife management or control, creating chaos in predator families and delivering more predator cubs.

Contact the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners at [email protected] to express your outrage at these still-legal contests that give a black eye to ethical hunting.