Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024


Tweak but keep the filibuster

Harry Reid is probably the most skilled and productive leader of the Senate in my lifetime. However, I severely disagree with his Sept.8 column suggesting that the filibuster be permanently canceled.

While eliminating the filibuster may provide temporary relief in passage of current bills supported by American voters, its permanent removal would tragically backfire if and when the Republicans control the Senate.

Want proof? Look no further than Reid’s removal of the filibuster for nominations. Under Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump’s rule, thousands of under qualified judges were given federal appointments just because they were young and subscribed to the Trump philosophy. Democrats’ hands were tied as three Supreme Court justices (again with questionable backgrounds and experience) were installed in four years. We have already seen devastating early results of this in the Texas abortion debacle.

I support giving special dispensation and elimination of the filibuster on specific bills, but a blanket cancellation is short-sighted and would eventually cause great consternation to this country.