September 7, 2024


Abortion may be a tipping point

The stage appears to be set for the second Civil War.

What happened with the Supreme Court four years before the first one? The Dred Scott decision. Three decisions were made:

1) A slave was not entitled to freedom even in a state where slavery was prohibited.

2) African Americans were not and could never be citizens.

3) The declaration that territories west of Missouri and north of latitude 36º30’ were free from slavery was unconstitutional.

It has been cited as the most egregious example of the court imposing a judicial solution on a political problem. The result was a war during which more Americans died than in any other war since.

The parallels with the apparent abortion decision are uncanny. Women are being treated as second-class citizens just like slaves were. Half the states will have anti-abortion laws and half will laws protecting abortion.

But right-wing extremists will do everything to get abortion outlawed in all states, just like free states were declared unconstitutional.

Anti-abortion states are already planning to prosecute women who go to other states for abortions. They will use technology to determine what they have been searching online and use GPS data to track their movements. So women will not be free.

Now what? The strength of the American fabric is disintegrating. Americans are extremely angry over many issues. Will this issue be the straw that broke the camel’s back?