September 7, 2024


GOP toys with global economy

I am exasperated that House leadership is threatening to tank our economy to extract devastating budget cuts that target people experiencing poverty. And folks relying on Social Security checks and our military families’ checks will stop arriving.

As a condition for allowing the U.S. to pay its bills, the House plan slashes dozens of services including SNAP, Medicaid, housing assistance, preschool and child care, and core global poverty programs. These cuts would force deep hardship onto tens of millions of people still recovering from the COVID economic downturn and rising costs of basic needs.

It is dangerous for House leaders to even hint that the U.S. would not honor its debts. It is cruel for them to do it on the backs of people experiencing poverty. I urge President Joe Biden and congressional leaders to reject the House cuts to anti-poverty programs and immediately pass a clean rise in the debt ceiling.