Las Vegas Sun

June 29, 2024


Return to Trump would be unwise

According to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll, former President Donald Trump has pulled ahead of President Joe Biden by 10 percentage points in Nevada, and he’s now leading in four other key swing states for the 2024 election.

The reason? According to the Times, “Biden appears to be especially weak among young, Black and Hispanic voters.”

Although the election is a year away, and polling tends to change over time, Trump must be celebrating. And who can blame him? But voter dissatisfaction with Biden should not be a reason to turn to a wealthy narcissist who disparages his own supporters, declaring at a 2016 Las Vegas rally, “I love the poorly educated.”

Buy one of his cartoonish Trump trading cards instead. At $99 each, they’re a lesser risk than returning the self-serving con man and alleged criminal to the presidency with an impending war in the Middle East.

If Trump is the answer, we’re asking the wrong question.