September 28, 2024


Trump has fooled many

So, a judge in New York has held Donald Trump and his adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, liable for fraud by lying about the value of their properties for years. Assessing Trump’s plea of innocence, the judge said, “That is a fantasy world, not the real world.”

There is now a very real possibility that the former president will lose most of his financial empire, although we can expect appeals to every appellate court in New York, to the U.S. Supreme Court, and probably to the Interplanetary Tribunal of Galactic Justice.

And this is the man whom half the country wants to install in the White House to run the United States into the ground. That’s not the “fantasy world.” That’s the real world.

Trump declared in 2016 to Las Vegas voters after he decisively won the state’s Republican caucuses, “I love the poorly educated.” Today, he still loves them and is confident they will propel him into the Oval Office next year to add to the world’s crises.

Abraham Lincoln, a Republican worthy of the name, was right when he reportedly said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.” Those are pretty good odds.