September 9, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Follow Jesus’ actual teachings

Jesus was a childless sheep brother, much like JD Vance’s childless cat lady of today.

He lived in a very dicey time like young Americans do today. His friend Mary and most of his 12 disciples, it seems, were too worried about uncertainty in the economy and in their future social condition to have the luxury of marrying and bringing children into the world.

The moderates among young people in Galilee and Judea turned to education, health care, social welfare and God for their salvation. Extremist zealots, like our far-right MAGA conservatives today, geared up for self-defeating civil war against the Romans occupying the country.

America’s best path today is to not follow the modern version of the extremely self-righteous, hyper-partisan, and ignorant zealots of biblical times. Much better to follow intelligent prophets of peace and justice today, like many Jews and Christians did then.

Jesus counseled his followers to put away their swords, pay their taxes and educate themselves in the history and constitutional law of their once free and independent ancestral culture.

Americans should be doing the same today.