September 11, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Be specific about proposed cuts

Republicans have long lamented the federal bureaucracy and the “administrative state.” Hence, GOP Senate candidate Sam Brown and all other GOP congressional aspirants in Southern Nevada should inform the public of the approximate budgetary reduction they advocate for the operations of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Nellis Air Force Base.

Do they seek a 10%, 25% or 40% funding reduction?

Similarly, former President Donald Trump should inform Americans of the percent funding reduction he seeks for the U.S. Postal Service, National Park Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NASA, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Defense Department, Department of Veterans Affairs, Social Security and other prominent government operations.

Given that the U.S. “administers” dollars to thousands of defense contractors, and about 50% of federal discretionary spending goes to the Defense Department, it is imperative that Trump quantify his plans.

Vague verbosity weakens democracy; approximate numerical goals enhance it.