September 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Donald Trump has ugly views on women

It is difficult for Donald Trump to recondition his misogynistic and racist heart.

He remarked in sarcastic language that irritated hard-working and accomplished women as well as fair-minded men.

Kamala Harris had a distinguished list of politicians to choose from as her vice presidential running mate. She chose a good, solid patriot, a teacher, family man, football coach and former soldier to be by her side.

Yet Trump, with his street behavior, his view of women in general and his lack of civility, could not escape a demeaning remark before her decision that “anyone of the choices” Harris had would be much smarter than the vice president.

Here is a woman who graduated with distinction from college, finished law school, became an attorney and prosecutor, the attorney general of California, a U.S. senator, and then vice president. Little wonder many women — and fair-minded men with aspiring daughters — are going to turn their backs on this self-absorbed, misogynistic man in November.