September 19, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

President Biden's term has been a success

Much has been proclaimed by both parties recently regarding the economy. Here are some facts:

• The United States has never been more energy independent. We are currently the largest producer of crude oil in the world — ahead of Russia and Saudi Arabia — while setting world records of barrels produced per day.

• The unemployment rate when President Joe Biden took office was 6.5%. Today it is 4.1%.

• As the COVID pandemic raged, world demand for gas shrank, and prices dropped accordingly to a $2.30 national average. Today the national average is $3.51, with Nevada having the fifth-highest average price per gallon in the country.

• The inflation rate spike, according to multiple publications — stripping out the hyperbole — was caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and post-pandemic supply chain snarls due to hyper demand for goods and services from federal stimulus checks: the CARES Act (under former President Donald Trump) and American Rescue Plan (under Biden). The year-over-year inflation rate is 2.9%, down from 9.1%.

• Concurrently, corporate profits (price gouging?) have never been higher.

• GDP growth is currently 2.8%. It was 2.3% during the Trump years.

• Whoever wins the presidency will inherit a growing economy with inflation cooling.

• As to the border, Sen. Rick Lankford, R-Okla., led a bipartisan effort producing a Border Security Bill that was comprehensive and good for America, so good that it was scuttled by the undue influence of one Donald J. Trump.