September 14, 2024


Experts belong on state agencies

In the Aug. 19 letter “Cronies litter state boards,” the writer expressed distaste with there being nine members of the state wildlife commission who are in favor of killing wildlife.

I would hope that school board members have a passion for education and highway department members have a passion for road safety, etc.

Members of Ducks Unlimited have preserved thousands and thousands of acres of wetlands benefiting all kinds of wildlife, and yes, they like to hunt ducks. The same is true of Trout Unlimited cleaning up and preserving countless miles of pristine rivers and streams, and they like to fish.The Bighorn Fraternity has placed countless guzzlers throughout the state benefiting all kinds of wildlife, and they hope to one day be able to draw a tag to hunt one.

If that letter writer has ever had a burger, chicken wings or a nice piece of salmon, somebody killed that animal.