September 18, 2024


Biden is an ally to Jewish people

Saturday is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which coincides with the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945. Nevada’s Jewish community is heartbroken by the growing antisemitism since Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the largest single-day massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust.

I am appalled that former President Donald Trump will campaign in Las Vegas this weekend. He will feign support for the Jewish community when his actual record tells the truth. Trump has consistently proven that he is too dangerous to lead on the world stage and is no ally to the Jewish community. He has praised authoritarians and dictators, called Hezbollah “very smart,” and peppered his speeches with language similar to Nazi rhetoric.

I’ve lived with antisemitism my entire life. If Trump is elected president again, Jewish Americans, including nearly 70,000 Jewish Nevadans, will only experience more heartache. I stand with Nevada and Clark County Democrats in their commitment to always fight against antisemitism and hate in any form.

The greatest ally for Israel and Jews across the country is President Joe Biden. He has consistently exhibited strength and support for Jewish Americans. Let’s send Biden back to the White House in 2024.

The writer is the chapter lead for the Nevada Jewish Democratic Council of America and Nevada Jewish Women for Joe group.