September 6, 2024


On substance, Biden prevailed

Did we watch the same debate?

I thought Biden had Donald Trump on the ropes most of the debate — so much so that the former president blurted out, “I did not sleep with a porn star!”

Biden countered every question directly with facts, figures and accomplishments for the American people. He called out Trump for his lies, and for his refusal to answer the questions, instead trying to demean and belittle Biden. This just showed how unfit Trump is for the presidency.

I rewatched the beginning of the debate and saw Biden have a senior moment, but give the man a break: He has been governing, traveling and working with foreign leaders. He has capable people around him at all times and the thought that he may not finish the term should not strike terror in people’s minds. Vice President Kamala Harris is intelligent and would lead the country well.

We need voters to seriously consider what kind of a country we want to live in. Use critical thinking skills and don’t panic over youth-obsessed media hand-wringing.