September 7, 2024


GOP bullied into submission

“Bully-worship, under various disguises, has become a universal religion,” Oscar Wilde said.

The Republican Party is about to nominate a twice-impeached ex-president and convicted felon who presided over a chaotic term in office.

GOP leaders and party members have caved in to Donald Trump’s fearmongering and lies about the 2020 election. They demand freedom, but actually show servility as they genuflect to their chosen despot. Fearing the wrath of his populist voter base, they give him their fanatical devotion. They have let go of any sense of decency to back his playbook of revenge, retribution, power and dominance. They have taken credit for legislation that they voted against. Their vision for future government is to disband federal agencies that provide regulations for clean air and water, safe food, industrial safety and any other impediments to corporate profits.

The myth of American individualism is contradicted by those who speak the loudest. They spout the party line and stifle dissenters. They revel in showy displays of devotion. The dear leader has reduced them to sycophants always professing their loyalty to him.

We need a leader who will commit to selfless service to our nation, who has a sense of duty to fulfill his obligation to defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law, not break it. He must prioritize the needs of the country over party dogma.