September 7, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Gay people are born, not made

I was born the middle child of five boys, no girls: an environment loaded with testosterone in a small town in Wyoming.

At 11, I realized I was attracted to males. I not only surrendered my childhood, I gave up my identity as a part of society. I withdrew socially, physically and mentally.

I had never met another gay person nor spoken with anyone about the subject. My knowledge of it came from the LDS church. I would spend eternity with murderers, rapists and despicable spirits that God would house in the lowest of kingdoms. I had zero self-esteem, was horribly depressed and really didn’t want to be here.

My mother was diagnosed with cancer. She needed me, so I stuck around, for her. After her death, I joined the Army. It was my third year in when I finally met another gay person and came out of the closet.

Moms for Liberty couldn’t be further off the mark, to believe children are groomed to be a part of the LGBTQ community. We are born this way and do not need Moms for Liberty to save us. Its efforts to force young people to stay in the closet, surrender their spirits, childhood and existence will cost many of these children’s lives.

If parents are looking for a letter left behind, explaining why they left, they won’t find one. I certainly wouldn’t have left a coming-out letter under those circumstances. Those children will die in the closet.