September 8, 2024


Save the country from Project 2025

America is at a crossroads. We are about to decide whether we continue as a democracy or live under a dictatorship.

The Heritage Foundation is working with Donald Trump on Project 2025, which outlines how he can transform our republic into an autocracy.

The plan is for Trump to take partisan control of the Department of Justice, FBI, Department of Commerce, Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission, and to replace all the civil servants with people whose only qualification is loyalty to him.

Project 2025 explains how Trump can deploy the military for domestic law enforcement by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. It offers a blueprint on how he can jail his political opponents, take over local law enforcement, and end the separation of church and state.

In an Orwellian twist, they even want to purge terms like “reproductive rights” from all laws and federal regulations.

The aims are for a nationwide ban on abortion and contraception; a repeal of civil liberties and workers’ protections; cuts to Social Security and Medicare; canceling healthcare for 45 million Americans.

If Trump gets back in office, he’s not leaving.

We can argue about policy differences later. Right now, the choice is between freedom and despotism.

Many people before us fought and died for our liberty. All we have to do is vote.