Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

President Joe Biden continues to get work done

dreamers biden

Haiyun Jiang / New York Times

President Joe Biden, with Congressional and border community members behind him, hosts a 12-year-anniversary event for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the East Room at the White House on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. A new Biden administration measure enables “Dreamers” to get work visas that could free them from relying on the DACA program, whose survival is in doubt.

When we think about “old age,” we commonly resort to old ideas, stereotypes and misconceptions that apply to a certain minority and not to everyone within an older demographic.

There have always been people who aged better than the average “senior citizen,” and there are now more who remain relatively active, healthy, vibrant and engaged than ever before.

Despite inevitable wear and tear on one’s body and the necessity to move carefully and at a slower pace, a significant number of people utilize exercise, a nutritious diet, positive mental attitude, social and family connections, good medical care and a safe and sane lifestyle to get where they want to go and accomplish remarkable tasks.

Our president, Joe Biden, is a person who has incorporated those behaviors listed. He has been highly visible and engaged in a job in which he revels and that he aces as if he had been doing it for his entire long life.

His list of accomplishments since January 2021 fills many pages (see Google for specifics).

Part of his secret is surrounding himself with sharp people so that if he ever isn’t 100% as sharp as a tack, the job still gets done.

Who needs Superman when we have Uncle Joe using his extraordinary skills to make things happen for the people?