Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Article on court spells out biases

Samuel Alito

J. Scott Applewhite / AP

Associate Justice Samuel Alito joins other members of the Supreme Court as they pose for a new group portrait, Oct. 7, 2022, at the Supreme Court building in Washington.

I am in complete agreement with Los Angeles Times columnist Jackie Calmes’ article (“We don’t need more evidence of Alito’s bias, but we got it,” June 18, Las Vegas Sun) on the justices of the Supreme Court.

Justice Clarence Thomas is completely corrupt, and Justice Samuel Alito is way too biased in his political/religious beliefs to consider sitting any longer on the court.

Further, Chief Justice John Roberts has taken no action — he has ignored any ability to take action to see that either of these justices recuse themselves from decisions that they clearly should.

For the above reasons just given, I think it is time that all three of the justices remove themselves from the court.

Knowing this will not happen, I strongly suggest that the Senate hold hearings for possible impeachment or removal of Thomas on charges of bribery.