Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Our choices are very different

In November, the American people have a choice between someone who:

• has no respect for our justice system or the rule of law

• has been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation (and opted not to testify in the trial and not put on a defense)

• refused a peaceful transfer of power

• violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause

• calls the media (and truth) the “enemy of the people”

• praises dictators

• recasts insurrectionists as victims and hostages

• gleefully watched the Capitol riot (on TV) for 187 minutes before making a statement

• was found guilty of charities fraud

• associates his opponents with terror, fear, crime, uncertainty and lack of patriotism

• has been accused by 22 women of sexual misconduct

• was indicted for election interference in Georgia and business fraud charges in New York, as well as federally for illegal possession of classified documents and unlawful retention of national defense information

• refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election

• claims total immunity from prosecution, and

• incited an insurrection.

Or we could choose someone who hasn’t done any of the above but occasionally commits a gaffe.