Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Dirty energy has bought politicians

The report from the Hamilton Project and the Brookings Institution, referenced in the May 19 letter “Exciting news for clean energy,” demonstrates that we are within striking distance of creating a cleaner, safer and wealthier world. The emissions goals set in Paris can be achieved.

How? Charging the fossil fuel industry a modest “dumping fee” on their products. This conservative plan uses the market to bend the CO2 curve downward. A recent Nature study shows it works in dozens of countries.

This is also confirmed by the world’s most powerful computer simulation (MIT’s En-Roads): Put a price on carbon and the green economy speeds up.

Return all fees to American households and we will be immune to higher energy prices. Some of us will even come out ahead.

Sadly, this conservative approach — no regulations or federal monies are needed — will be opposed by those who are lobbied by fossil fuel interests to stall and dither.

Our vote really counts. We need to fight back.