Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

GOP sending wrong message

Political ads for the Republican Party that I have seen have the candidate holding a gun and telling you they are 110% behind former President Donald Trump. What kind of message is this sending to the voters?

I agree that you have the right to own a weapon but there is a time and place for that, and it’s not in political ads. These ads are telling people the candidates will use force if needed to get things done. Is this the type of government we want to have? I think not.

I do not want to see another violent takeover of Congress like the Jan. 6 episode. Do you want to have another four years of a do-nothing government or do you want to see progress?

The older population has to stand up to candidates who want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Trump kept saying he had plans for something better but in the four years he was in office, what did he come up with? Nothing.

I do not want four more years of nothing; I want to see progress and some better living conditions for seniors.

In November, please vote to keep this great country moving forward and not to become a Third World country.