Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Sun Endorsements:

Incumbent Democrats, rational Republicans deserve spots on general election ballot

First In The West 2024 Democratic Party Convention

Steve Marcus

Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., speaks during the Nevada State Democratic Party’s biennial convention at the MGM Grand Conference Center Saturday, May 18, 2024.

There aren’t many legislators who can honestly say they were an independent voice who prioritized serving their constituents over partisan politics, but U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev. has the receipts.

During her first term in office, Rosen consistently demonstrated that she was among the most bipartisan, independent and effective lawmakers on Capitol Hill. For three years in a row, she earned recognition from the Lugar Center and the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University and the Center for Effective Lawmaking for being among the 10 most bipartisan and 10 most effective senators, respectively. The latter is an almost unheard-of honor among first-term senators.

A vocal proponent of affordable health care, Rosen supported legislation to cap out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and empower Medicare to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to make medications more affordable.

Recognizing that accessibility to high-quality health care matters as much as affordability, Rosen sponsored legislation to recruit and train more nurses and in-home care providers, and advocated for increased rural broadband connectivity and regulatory reforms that allow for greater telehealth options.

To make our communities safer, she sponsored legislation to combat drug smuggling, recruit and retain more police officers, and pass sensible gun control laws.

All the while she has fought tirelessly to support seniors and veterans, co-sponsoring the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act, opposing all attempts to cut benefits or raise the eligibility age for Social Security or Medicare, and securing millions of dollars in funding for a new VA hospital in Reno.

In short, Rosen’s unwavering commitment to the health and welfare of all Nevadans makes her an exceptional choice for reelection. Her legislative achievements reflect a deep understanding of the challenges Nevadans face and a proactive approach to finding bipartisan solutions that benefit Nevadans from all walks of life. We endorse Jacky Rosen without reservation.

On the Republican side of the primary, the initial bar we set to be considered for an endorsement was historically low. A candidate needed to acknowledge Joe Biden as the duly elected president of the United States, support prosecuting Jan. 6 insurrectionists who engaged in violence and vandalism at our nation’s Capitol and not have a track record of spreading verifiably false or conspiratorial propaganda.

Despite a crowded field of 12 candidates, Garn Mabey is the only candidate in the GOP primary for Senate who cleared that incredibly low bar.

He is a rare relic of the bygone era of big-tent Republican politics who promotes more traditional small-government, conservative policy positions.

As a former three-term member of the Assembly from a family of accomplished politicians, Mabey understands how to get things done in Washington.

As a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, he has a nuanced understanding of the challenges facing America’s health care system. While we may not agree with all of his personal beliefs regarding women’s health care, we believe he is honest in claiming that his personal beliefs “have never interfered in my patients receiving the type of care that they desired, including obtaining an abortion.”

In short, he is a moderate with an abundance of ethics and a deficit of extremism. While we disagree on some specific policies, we do not believe he is a threat to democracy or the basic rights and freedoms of the American people. Republicans hoping to return to sanity would be well advised to offer their support to Garn Mabey.

Congressional District 1 primary

On the Republican side, we had planned to offer our endorsement to Flemming Larsen, who has long been known as a sensible and moderate conservative and whom we endorsed in 2022 in his run for Assembly. However, recent social media posts in which Larsen denounced funding for the defense of Ukraine and his refusal to denounce the House Freedom Caucus have raised significant concerns about whether Larsen is now more concerned with playing politics and gambling with America’s national security and democratic institutions than in serving the country. Unfortunately, no other Republican candidates for District 1 have earned our endorsement.

On the Democratic side, there is no primary, as incumbent Dina Titus has no challengers. She will appear on the general election ballot.

Congressional District 3 primary

Among the only members of the federal legislature to rank higher in bipartisanship than Rosen, Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev., has demonstrated that she is a consensus-driven leader. Her commitment to serving all Nevadans is especially visible in the areas of education, health care and veterans’ services. She is a staunch advocate for affordable health care who has fought to reduce costs for countless families, while her advocacy on behalf of veterans exemplifies her deep respect for their sacrifices. Perhaps most impressive, she has been a true champion for education, fighting for increased funding for schools and teachers while promoting tested and proven reforms that increase safety, accountability and flexibility in the classroom. Lee’s pragmatic approach to problem solving and unwavering dedication to the community make her an invaluable asset in Congress that Nevadans of all political stripes can stand behind. We endorse Susie Lee.

No Republicans running in the primary earned our endorsement.

Congressional District 4 primary

Representing one of the most diverse districts in the entire United States, Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., has proven himself to be champion for working families in the state. For more than a decade, Horsford led the Culinary Training Academy, helping thousands of workers find quality careers in the hospitality industry. As a legislator, he has fought for significant investments in vocational and technical education, as well as job training and workforce development programs that create upward mobility without incurring insurmountable debt. Perhaps most importantly, he has become Congress’ most vocal advocate for affordable housing, taking on powerful special interests to ensure that every Nevadan has the opportunity to pursue the dreams of financial security through homeownership. He not only deserves another term in Congress, but should be considered for higher office. We endorse Steven Horsford.

On the Republican side, Bruce Frazey is a rare member of his party who openly acknowledges the existence of systemic inequality and society’s responsibility to remedy it. Many of his positions are informed by his strong faith-based convictions about how we should treat one another as well as his studies of our nation’s founding documents, which he believes call for equality, equity and freedom.

As an accountant and former attorney specializing in federal tax law, Frazey advocates for reigning in government spending while remaining open to investments that create hope for a brighter future. Such nuanced thinking demonstrates his more traditional and moderate place on the conservative political spectrum. We endorse Bruce Frazey.