Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

United States’ creativity at risk

This November, we have more to consider than just who becomes our next president. We have American democracy on the table. Some Republicans say disagree and argue that the existing framework of democracy would protect us from autocracy should anyone attempt such. That’s just whistling in the dark.

Those who support democracy don’t go out of their way to travel from Washington, D.C., to attend Donald Trump’s trial in New York and, without evidence, tell America that the justice system is corrupt. Nor do they fly the flag upside down on purpose.

Supporters of democracy don’t excuse murder by a racist or declare an election was fraudulent without evidence.

The concept of right and wrong action is based on the worth of others and their freedom. If you murder someone, wrongfully strip them of their freedom or even just lie, you are doing wrong.

The highest form of human freedom — creativity — does not occur in a society that is ruled by an autocrat. Creativity requires personal freedom, and autocrats cannot survive such freedom.

If we allow American democracy to perish in the next six months, we will also put an end to the very genius of this country: its creativity. That is the same genius that perished when democracy was lost in Greece, Rome and Florence, Italy. Maybe that means nothing to some Americans. It means everything to me.