September 16, 2024


Excuses for guns unpersuasive

Some people cling to their guns. Many say they love to go out to remote areas and shoot at bottles and cans. Others say they need guns so they can hunt for food.

Still others don’t spell out the use but claim a constitutional right to gun ownership. I would agree if they were members of a well-regulated militia. But I can say without fear of contradiction that the Constitution does not say anyone can shoot into a crowd of innocent people. That act would result in the shooter’s death or imprisonment because we are a nation of laws.

People who want to shoot could go to a well-regulated gun range and shoot with the guns the range provides. Hunting wild game for food is nothing but sport since one can procure all kinds of food in stores these days.

Some people foolishly say they need guns to protect themselves should the government come in black SUV’s and helicopters to get them. These people need psychological help, not guns. I hope we have progressed beyond the need for guns in civil society.