September 15, 2024


Bywaters’ dedication is proven

The Aug. 25 letter by Leonard Lither, “CCSD needs sound leaders,” looks like intentional erasure of the work of a Black woman who has been dedicated to students, families and staff.

It erases the work of Kamilah Bywaters’ organization,Las Vegas Association of Black School Educators (LVABSE), whose mission is to “enhance and facilitate educational opportunities and social development of all students, especially underrepresented and underserved Black/African American children by developing partnerships, creating professional development, promoting the placement of Black/African American leaders, and shaping public policy.”

Those who follow the school board meetings are well acquainted with Bywaters, because she shows up at almost every meeting, well prepared with testimony. I hadn’t seen or heard from Lither at board meetings until he became a school board candidate.

The fact that Bywaters has for months hosted weekly online community meetings to address CCSD governance, educational pedagogy, national trends in education, and the concerns of the local community, is erased by Lither, while he questions her commitment to education.

Lither’s letter tells us more about him than about Bywaters, or the issues.