September 15, 2024


Women’s value not based on kids

According to GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance, women who choose to work full time instead of bearing children are “sociopaths” and of less value to society than mothers. This belief is cruel and unjust.

Hard work and sacrifice in pursuing a career or raising a family are both admirable. Childless people often have more time to devote to charitable and social causes.

Vance’s narrow views align with he and Donald Trump’s supporters at the Heritage Foundation who authored Project 2025. They assert that it is “abnormal” to choose pets instead of children as companions. Animals are sentient, vulnerable beings. Caring for them is compassionate, not pathological.

Vance says couples with children should get extra votes based on the size of their families. They also advocate for much higher tax rates for single, childless individuals.

Democracy is premised on the ideal of equality for all people. Vance and other extremists seek to demonize and punish those who do not conform to their discriminatory, restrictive version of society. We must defeat their hate-filled intolerance with our votes.