September 16, 2024


Harris’ task being misrepresented

Former President Donald Trump has labeled Vice President Kamala Harris a failed “border czar.” But Harris has never been in charge of the border. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for managing migration.

Harris was given a specific, limited assignment which dealt not with the border directly, but with the roots of the problem in Central America, where families were fleeing poverty, violence and food insecurity.

Harris’ goal was to tackle migration at its source, improve conditions in the region and encourage inhabitants to stay. Despite her limited role, many people, including numerous news outlets, came to view her assignment as all-encompassing.

But Harris was never assigned to police the border. Instead of blame, Harris deserves credit, as statistics show a 72% drop in immigration from Central America between March 2021, when she took on the role, and June of this year.

In February, a bipartisan Senate reached an agreement, basically a Republican “wish list,” which would have begun to solve many of the border issues. It appeared sure to pass.

But Trump scuttled the deal because he wanted to campaign on the issue and didn’t want Democrats to get any credit for solving the problem. He only wants solutions to America’s problems when they benefit him. Trump has even bragged about his efforts to stymie the bipartisan deal, saying “Please blame it on me.” Let’s hope voters remember those words in November.