September 16, 2024


Trump not fit to lead anyone

I don’t always agree with every policy or solution of either major political party, but I try to learn as much as I can about the candidates and issues, then cast a vote for the one who most closely represents my values, regardless of their party affiliation. So, what is the deciding factor in my vote this election year ?

It’s Donald Trump himself. I have two well-educated sons, and two grandsons who will both graduate from college next spring. Would I want either to become a person with Trump’s demonstrated character traits? Since that answer is a resounding no, how can I possibly vote for Trump to be president ?

I served 30 years in the Navy. When Trump was cruising around New York City in a limo and chasing ladies while suffering the pain of “bone spurs” and being fearful of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, I was manning a machine gun on a fiberglass boat, cruising the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta jungle. I wasn’t concerned about STD’s, I was concerned about RPG’s and AK47’s.

How can any military veteran vote for a commander in chief who views them as “suckers” and “losers”? How can I vote for a commander in chief who only likes guys “who don’t get captured”? That line may have been directed at Sen. John McCain, but it was an insult to every POW in history.

I’m voting against a person who is unworthy and unfit to lead anybody, anywhere.