September 16, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Kamilah Bywaters is a sound leader

In response to the Aug. 25 letter “CCSD needs sound leaders”:

As a community advocate, I have had the honor of observing and working with Kamilah Bywaters for the past five years. She has been a champion advocate for children, assisting with ensuring fair treatment when dealing with school administration on special needs and disciplinary actions.

She has been a powerful advocate for educators, fighting for their issues during and outside of school board meetings. She has also represented the voice of parents and has taken time to educate them on how to support their scholars.

Bywaters’ policies speak to what the Clark County School District needs as part of the overall strategy to create a safer learning environment for students and staff members as well as the overall objective of improving academic achievement.

Anyone who has given objective effort to learning how restorative justice is supposed to be administered knows that it failed because it was not implemented correctly, and educators were not trained properly.

I’ve been in many sessions and heard the voices of students. Bywaters hears those voices too and has a long history of taking action out of compassion, not out of anger. A vote for her is a vote for a leader the district and the community needs.