September 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Sam Brown’s policies hurt women

Sam Brown, who’s challenging Jacky Rosen to represent Nevada in the U.S. Senate, recently launched a “Women for Sam Brown” coalition. The irony is obvious to anyone who knows about his long-held anti-abortion stance.

While Brown can claim he “supports” women, he has a long history of pushing extreme abortion bans that have hurt women across the country. Countless articles have detailed the harmful ways Brown has restricted women’s access to reproductive health care and freedoms.

Now Brown claims that despite spending the past decade supporting radical abortion bans and his own pro-life beliefs, he will respect Nevada’s abortion protections. He even tried to argue that the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade actually “strengthened Nevada’s protections for abortion.” Give me a break.

We need a senator who will stand up for our reproductive rights and seek to restore the protections we once held under Roe, instead of a politician who was rooting for Roe to be reversed.

It takes more to appeal to women than making a pink version of a campaign logo. No one is buying the rebrand.


The writer is national president of the College Democrats of America, as well as president of the state and UNLV chapters.